Property Sales - 40126757 - House in Spain, Basque Country, Biscay, Durango

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3 Bed House for sale in Durango

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Durango, Spain
20 Apr 2020
£ 170,699 / € 195,000 / $ 201,006

Short Description

Beautiful detached country villa with lots of potential in the countryside 17.5km from Tavira. Elevated position with 360 degrees views also down to the ocean. There are 5.680m2 of land and the property with 184m2 of implantation area, plenty of space to

Key Information

  • Property ID: 40126757
  • Location: Durango
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 170,699 / € 195,000 / $ 201,006

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  • House
  • 3 bedrooms
  • Spain
  • Durango
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