Property Sales - 41684884 - House in Italy, Lombardy, Varese

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4 Bed House for sale in Varese

Property Information

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Price :
Varese, Italy
23 Nov 2022
£ 148,815 / € 170,000 / $ 175,236

Short Description

House, 3 bedrooms, 1 wc, 140m2, Brezzo di Bedero.

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41684884
  • Location: Varese
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 148,815 / € 170,000 / $ 175,236

Full Description

SINGLE HOUSE with beautiful lake view on two levels with:
three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and balcony. Boiler room and cellar.
On the street level box.

Building built in 1950 and in need of total renovation.

The property enjoys a beautiful flat green area of about 400 square meters, on the back of the house; also with lake view.

The house is located in the municipality of Brezzo di Bedero and is located in one of the most panoramic points of the valley which is striking for the vastness of the lake and the grandeur of the surrounding mountains.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any information, for a meeting in our office or to view the property.
Our offices are open:
from Tuesday to Saturday from 9.00-12.30 and from 14.00 to 19.30,
telephone from Italy 0332 169 94 70, from abroad 0039 332 169 94 70.
Antonio D’Avino and the Casa Web Staff are waiting for you at the headquarters in Luino (VA) Corso XXV Aprile 61 with internal parking reserved for customers.

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