Property Sales - 41642763 - House in France, Ile-de-France, Yvelines

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7 Bed House for sale in Yvelines

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Yvelines, France
14 Jul 2022
£ 367,660 / € 420,000 / $ 432,936

Short Description

In one of the most beautiful villages of the Yvelines, Montchauvet, 45 minutes from Paris, 15 minutes from Houdan, huge farmhouse to restore. Building permit. Quote on request. Fees charged to the sel...

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41642763
  • Location: Yvelines
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 367,660 / € 420,000 / $ 432,936

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  • House
  • 7 bedrooms
  • France
  • Yvelines
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