Property Sales - 41224055 - Apartment in France, Ile-de-France, Paris

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3 Bed Apartment for sale in Paris

Property Information

Property ID:
Location :
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Price :
Paris, France
14 Jul 2022
£ 3,676,596 / € 4,200,000 / $ 4,329,360

Short Description

This stunning apartment is located in Paris' 6th district, featuring 150 m2 of beautiful living space.With three bedrooms, this property is in perfect condition and features living spaces with a fireplace and modern yet cosy interior decor. Windows are do

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41224055
  • Location: Paris
  • Property Type: Apartment
  • Prices: £ 3,676,596 / € 4,200,000 / $ 4,329,360

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  • Apartment
  • 3 bedrooms
  • France
  • Paris
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