Property Sales - 41596544 - House in France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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4 Bed House for sale in Calvados

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Calvados, France
30 Mar 2022
£ 117,739 / € 134,500 / $ 138,643

Short Description

Come and discover this house close to the city center, with courtyard and numerous outbuildings (workshop, garage and cellar). The house consists of 4 bedrooms (including a landing to close) and 5th p...

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41596544
  • Location: Calvados
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 117,739 / € 134,500 / $ 138,643

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  • House
  • 4 bedrooms
  • France
  • Calvados
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