Property Sales - 41642101 - House in France, Auvergne, Puy-de-Dome

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4 Bed House for sale in Puy-de-Dome

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Puy-de-Dome, France
07 Jul 2022
£ 199,587 / € 228,000 / $ 235,022

Short Description

Built in the town of St Georges de Mons, this lovely 280 m2 house of character will seduce you with its generous volumes, its quality materials and its modularity. It is broken down as follows: Large ...

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41642101
  • Location: Puy-de-Dome
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 199,587 / € 228,000 / $ 235,022

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  • House
  • 4 bedrooms
  • France
  • Puy-de-Dome
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