Property Sales - 9171900 - Townhouse in Australia, Queensland, Whitsunday, Bowen

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3 Bed Townhouse for sale in Bowen

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Bowen, Australia
26 Sep 2015
£ 206,685 / € 236,108 / $ 243,381

Short Description

365,000 At just a couple of year's young, this fabulous two storey three bedroom unit is an investors dream. Currently under rental management by this office, is offered for sale fully inclusive of furniture, this unit has many tax advantages. Have a depr

Key Information

  • Property ID: 9171900
  • Location: Bowen
  • Property Type: Townhouse
  • Prices: £ 206,685 / € 236,108 / $ 243,381

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  • Townhouse
  • 3 bedrooms
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  • Bowen
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