Property Sales - 26504800 - House in Australia, New South Wales

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3 Bed House for sale in New South Wales

Property Information

Property ID:
Location :
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Price :
New South Wales, Australia
15 Nov 2016
£ 308,611 / € 352,545 / $ 363,404

Short Description

545,000 PERFECT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Located in a recently upgraded boutique block of 10 units with low body corporate fees and within walking distance to the highly acclaimed local Restaurants, Cafes and the new Casuarina Shopping Village, you won t w

Key Information

  • Property ID: 26504800
  • Location: New South Wales
  • Property Type: House
  • Prices: £ 308,611 / € 352,545 / $ 363,404

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  • House
  • 3 bedrooms
  • Australia
  • New South Wales
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