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402 properties in Basse-normandy, France

Select Locations in Basse-normandy, France

Below are all the listings of properties for sale in Basse-normandy, France currently advertised on Nubricks.

Flat in France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados, Trouville-sur-Mer

Price: From £467,963 to £514,286

Date added: 17 May 2017


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From £328,092 to £568,997 - 3 Bed New Home

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados, Deauville

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£380,790 - 4 Bed House

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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£204,839 - 6 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Manche

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£117,739 - 4 Bed House

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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£18,383 - 8 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Orne

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£106,796 - 3 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Le Havre

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£39,392 - 2 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Manche

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£52,085 - 2 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Le Havre

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£428,936 - 4 Bed House

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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£249,483 - Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Manche

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£349,277 - 10 Bed House

France, Basse-Normandy, Orne

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£101,457 - 2 Bed Apartment

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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£52,435 - 2 Bed Villa

France, Basse-Normandy, Manche

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£271,368 - 3 Bed House

France, Basse-Normandy, Calvados

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